
Breastfeeding and Augmentation

If you’re like most young women and soon-to-be mothers, you wonder how breast implants could possibly affect your ability to breastfeed. You might also be curious how breastfeeding will affect the appearance of your breasts. This blog shows you how breast augmentation affects your ability to breastfeed, how to safely breastfeed after implants, and the cosmetic effects of doing so.

Does Breast Augmentation Affect Breastfeeding?

Breast augmentation rarely affects your ability to breastfeed. As long as your milk ducts do not get disconnected from your nipples by an incision, everything necessary to successfully breastfeed remains intact. If you need an incision under your nipple, breast implants can be inserted with a very low amount of risk.

Larger incisions do increase your risk somewhat. The general rule is the less you disturb your breast tissue, the lower your risk of affecting breast feeding. If you think about placing implants by using an incision in the breast crease, and then putting the implants under the muscle, you have a high chance of keeping your breastfeeding ability.

Everything You need to Know about Safety

You might think that placing silicone implants in your breasts could increase silicone levels within them. However, a study cited in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found no statistical difference in silicone levels when comparing women with and without breast implants. The study also compared these levels to the amount of silicone in cow’s milk and infant formula. It found silicone levels in cow’s milk and formula were much higher than those found in the breast milk of women with implants!

We do not know if silicone levels in milk are harmful or healthy. Silicone is actually a very common element and is found widely throughout nature and in everyday products.

Most importantly – the current belief is that breastfeeding with breast implants does not appear to have higher silicone levels and cause harm to your baby. It’s natural, safe, and healthy for you and your baby.

Breast Augmentation Works Perfectly for Improving Post-Pregnancy Appearance

When many women visit for their consultation, they discuss how pregnancy and breastfeeding reduced the perkiness of their breasts. Pregnancy does in fact enlarge your breasts and stretch their skin.

After you give birth, you will have less perkiness than before. However, there is some debate as to whether breastfeeding affects perkiness. My professional opinion is that this is the case, but based on my experience, you can enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding and have great-looking breasts too.

Breast lifts work best when you have already had breast implants and are experiencing sagginess after having children. If you don’t already have implants and want a fuller, round shape, implants may be the right solution for you. If your nipples have sagged below your breast creases, you may need both a breast lift and augmentation.

Should You Have Breast Implants If You Want Kids in the Future?

It depends on how far in the future you want to have them. If you want kids in the next year, have your children first and then look into breast implants. If they’re years down the road, you can safely have kids now.