
Definite Reasons to Get New Breast Implants

“When do I need new breast implants,” is one of the most common questions patients ask me. The reasons to get new breast implants or have revision surgery can be broken down into two broad categories: optional and not optional. There are some reasons why you should definitely talk to a board certified plastic surgeon about breast augmentation revision. There are also some situations where you may get improvement from a revision, but the decision can be made purely based on your goals. In this blog, I will discuss the situations that are not optional or strongly recommended that you have a revision.

1.    Breast implant rupture

If you suspect or know that your breast implants are ruptured, you should get in to see a plastic surgeon soon. We are not worried about the ruptured implants making you sick, but replacing the implants sooner rather than later has some advantages. The biggest advantage is getting you back to a result you enjoy. The other reasons include preserving symmetry and lowering capsular contracture risk.

2.    Severe capsular contracture

Capsular contracture is a thickening and tightening of the scar tissues capsule that lines the pocket holding your breast implants. This can happen soon after a breast augmentation or years later. Mild to moderate capsular contracture does not require surgery—it is optional, based on your satisfaction with your result. Severe capsular contracture, however, is another animal. If capsular contracture gets severe enough, it can create a “rock in a sock” appearance, associated with a feeling of tightness or discomfort. If capsular contracture is severe enough to be uncomfortable, we generally recommend a procedure to improve it.

3. Infection involving an implant

If you are one of the rare individuals who develops an infection involving your implants, it is important to understand that it may be necessary to exchange the implants for new ones. The necessity of this depends on the severity of the infection. In certain cases, exchanging the affected implants can reduce the risk of the infection returning and capsular contracture developing in the future.

Every situation is unique. These recommendations must be interpreted within the context of your individual situation. Further, it is important to understand the treatment options and recommended time frames when making a decision with your plastic surgeon.

In a future blog, we will explore the Optional Reasons to Get New Breast Implants.  If you are considering breast augmentation or revision breast augmentation we can help. Contact us today to set up a consultation.