
Do I Need New Breast Implants After 10 Years?

It is popular myth that implants must be replaced automatically every 10 years. This is not entirely accurate. So, what is the real story? Although you do not have to schedule a recurring implant exchange with your plastic surgeon every 10 years, there are some things you should know. There are some reasons you definitely should have implants replaced and some situations where it is more optional.

How long do breast implants last?

Implants do not last forever. We expect them to last at least 10 to 20 years in most cases. The rupture rate on most implants currently on the market is thought to be around 1% per year cumulative. This means that the risk increases with time. If breast implants are in your body long enough, they will eventually rupture. If they do rupture, they should be replaced. If they are intact, you can keep on enjoying them.

Why do breast implants rupture or leak?

Breast implants usually rupture due to the outer shell weakening over time. The weakening process happens as the filling (silicone gel or saline) moves around in the implant, causing the shell to fold slightly. This weakens the shell in the same way that paper does when you fold it in the same place repeatedly. Eventually the implant starts to leak.

How do I know if my breast implants are leaking?

You may suspect your implants are leaking if you notice a change in the feel of the implants, a significant change in size or a significant change in shape. It’s also possible you may not notice any changes at all. If you have saline breast implants, you are more likely to notice a change in size because the saline can be absorbed by your body. If you have silicone implants, you probably will not notice a change in size. Silicone implants may require an MRI or ultrasound to detect a rupture.

What should I do if my breast implants rupture?

If you know or suspect that your breast implants have ruptured, call us. I will get you in for a consult, usually within a business day. Although this is not truly an emergency, I know it feels like one. I make it a high priority to help women figure out what is going on and get it fixed as soon as possible. My goal is to get your procedure done within a week!

Will I get sick if my breast implants rupture?

Current studies do not suggest that ruptured breast implants will make you sick. Untreated, ruptured silicone implants probably increase your risk of capsular contracture, which requires more work to improve when exchanging your implants, but this does not seem to pose an immediate health risk.

To learn more about Definite Reasons to Get New Breast Implants and Optional Reasons to Get New Breast Implants, click on the links to read the blogs. Ready for solutions built around your goals? Contact us today for a consultation.